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Edit Pro Composer
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Start Here (1:13)
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An Introduction to Music Licensing Edits (11:29)
Cutting Commercials: Editing 15, 30, and 60-Second Spots (3:53)
Module 1: How To Create Awesome Edits Of Your Track
How to Create a 60 Second Edit (The easy way) (14:33)
How to Create a 30 Second Edit (The simple way) (5:35)
How to Create a 15 Second Edit (The easy way) (4:49)
How to Create a Sting (5:48)
How to Create a Music Bed Version Of your Track (5:12)
How to Create a Loop Version of your Track (10:06)
Module 2: Acoustic Guitar Edits for TV & Film
How to Edit Your Acoustic Tracks Like a Pro (30 sec, 15 sec and Stingers) (12:56)
Module 3: How to Create Rock Music Edits For TV & Film
How to Do a 60 sec Edit of Your Rock Track (6:53)
How to Do a 30 sec Edit of Your Rock Track (6:45)
How to Do a 15 sec Edit of Your Rock track (4:58)
How to Do a Sting Edit of Your Rock Track (5:57)
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