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The Ultimate Stock Music Masterclass 2.0
Welcome to the course
Welcome to The Ultimate Stock Music Masterclass (1:57)
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MODULE 1: The Foundation
Basic Equipment (10:07)
An Introduction to Stock Music (6:10)
What Type of Music to Write? (18:10)
How Much Can You Earn Per Track? (18:53)
What is Corporate Music? (8:55)
Common Mistakes to Avoid (8:41)
MODULE 2: How to Produce Stock Music That Sells
Introduction to Stock Music Production (4:41)
The 4-Chord Stock Track (The starting point) (6:01)
The Easy Way To Add Drums And Bass to your Track (9:41)
Adding Cinematic Strings Using Stock Plugins (12:56)
The Key to Recording a Catchy Melody (15:10)
How To Make Music Transitions (14:27)
MODULE 3: How To Create Awesome Edits Of Your Track
How to Create a 60 Second Edit (The easy way) (14:36)
How to Create a 30 Second Edit (The simple way) (5:38)
How to Create a 15 Second Edit (The easy way) (4:51)
How to Create a Sting (5:52)
How to Create a Music Bed Version Of your Track (5:16)
How to Create a Loop Version of your Track (10:10)
Final Thoughts Before Mixing & Mastering (8:24)
MODULE 4: How to Mix and Master Your Music Track
The 3 Simple Steps to Mixing your Music Track (18:52)
Bounce your Mix (2:19)
The Little-Known Secret to Master Like a Pro (13:51)
MODULE 5: Upload Your Track
Step-by-Step Upload Process in AudioJungle (14:47)
Step-by-Step Upload Process in Pond5 (20:43)
Rejections & How to Overcome them (6:21)
MODULE 6: Build Your Portfolio
KickStart your Music Output & Build your Catalog Fast (4:16)
BONUS #1: Get the Insider Secrets on How to Earn More From Your Music
Discovery why PROs (Performing Rights Organizations) are so important (12:45)
Mindset (7:13)
Describe your Music Cheatsheet
The 4-Chord Cheatsheet
My Swipe-copy Metadata
BONUS #2: The Complete Mixing and Mastering Masterclass
How to Organise and Structure Your Tracks (14:49)
Discover why Gain Staging is so Important (8:43)
The Static Mix (6:31)
How to Create a Buss Group (6:17)
Mix Buss Processing Made Easy (10:43)
How to EQ Your Mix (23:24)
How to Use Compression in Your Mix (9:12)
How to add Reverb and Delay to Create Depth (13:52)
Discover how to Widen Your Mixes with Mid/Side Processing (5:48)
Mixing in Mono (5:40)
The Little-Known Secret of Mixing at Low Volume (12:42)
Use Automation to Create a more Musical Mix (7:35)
Bounce Your Mix (1:28)
How to Master Your Own Music Track (16:37)
BONUS #3: The Complete Mixing and Mastering Masterclass (EXTRA MODULE) - THE VAULT
How to Get Punchier Drums (21:13)
Kick and Bass Low End Mixing Trick (2:51)
It's All About The Bass (8:53)
How to EQ Guitars Like a Pro (19:36)
How to EQ a Virtual Piano and Make it Sound More Realistic (5:30)
Easy-to-Follow Tips for EQ'ing Strings (6:50)
How to use Chorus and Flanger (4:28)
BONUS #4: Welcome to The Jungle
Step-by-Step Process to Create Your Audiojungle Account (17:38)
Your Billing Information Setup (7:00)
How to Fill out Your Tax Form - The easy way (14:17)
What is a P.R.O ? (7:43)
How to Set up Your Public Profile (8:44)
Your Earnings and Payout Account (6:30)
How to Watermark Your Music Track (6:56)
How to Watermark Your Track That Contains Multiple Edits (5:08)
How to Watermark Your Music Pack (3:33)
How to Organise and Prepare Your Music Track (5:18)
File Preparation with Multiple Edits (2:13)
How to Prepare Your Music Pack (2:25)
Step-by-Step Upload Process of Your Music Track (25:43)
How to Upload a Track with Multiple Edits (5:07)
How to Upload Your Music Pack - The easy way (26:28)
How to Avoid Rejections (32:20)
Should You Register Your Music with Content ID ? (8:13)
Sound Effects / Logos / Music Kits (7:45)
BONUS #5: Music Licensing Workshops
Music Composition And Arrangement (45:03)
How To Describe, Tag and Keyword Your Music (36:21)
How To Write Music For Stock Libraries in 30 Min (37:43)
How To Arrange Music For Stock Libraries (39:08)
How To Mix Music For Stock Libraries (38:18)
How To Master Music For Stock Libraries (22:35)
How To Produce Cinematic Percussion (39:49)
Start Here (1:13)
Download Edit Guidelines PDF
An Introduction to Music Licensing Edits (11:29)
Cutting Commercials: Editing 15, 30, and 60-Second Spots (3:53)
Module 1: How To Create Awesome Edits Of Your Track
How to Create a 60 Second Edit (The easy way) (14:33)
How to Create a 30 Second Edit (The simple way) (5:35)
How to Create a 15 Second Edit (The easy way) (4:49)
How to Create a Sting (5:48)
How to Create a Music Bed Version Of your Track (5:12)
How to Create a Loop Version of your Track (10:06)
Module 2: Acoustic Guitar Edits for TV & Film
How to Edit Your Acoustic Tracks Like a Pro (30 sec, 15 sec and Stingers) (12:56)
Module 3: How to Create Rock Music Edits For TV & Film
How to Do a 60 sec Edit of Your Rock Track (6:53)
How to Do a 30 sec Edit of Your Rock Track (6:45)
How to Do a 15 sec Edit of Your Rock track (4:58)
How to Do a Sting Edit of Your Rock Track (5:57)
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